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Safe, non-toxic and eco-friendly baby products.

Where can you find truly safe, non-toxic and eco-friendly products for home, baby and you? Pur’itsy carries awesome alternatives to plastics – such as award-winning bottles & kids’ foodware made of glass, silicone, stainless steel & ceramic, as well as great discoveries like cork building blocks & the best eco-disposable diaper ever!

At Pur’itsy, everything is clean and green. They swear by three key principles in handpicking brands and products for their store:

  1. 1. Safety: If it’s safety is not backed by science, they’re not having any of it.
  2. 2. Sustainability: They want our children to inherit an earth worth living in, and they’re taking steps to ensure that. Every product they carry is manufactured in a way that is thoughtful to the environment and helps you reduce your parenting eco-footprint – because we all know how troublingly large that can be.
  3. 3. Quality: They stock their store with the very same products they use at home. If a product did not pass the mommy-and-bub litmus test, you would not see it.

PROTECT THE PLANET: They curate a selection of truly safe, non-toxic and eco-friendly products for home and baby. They also rely on electronic receipts (not paper), pack orders with the least amount of packaging needed to ensure adequate protection during shipping, and reuse packaging materials that we receive our goods in!
Min Chan founded Pur’itsy after realising just how challenging it was to raise a kid in a health/eco-conscious manner in Singapore. Before her entrepreneurial turn, she was a lawyer who was always fighting for something – criminal justice, investor protection, migrant worker rights, stuff like that. So, perhaps, it is fitting that, after putting her legal career on hold to raise her young family, she found something new to fight for – the well-being of children and the world they will grow up to inherit.